terça-feira, 6 de agosto de 2024

segunda-feira, 5 de agosto de 2024

Carrying The Empty Can

Teria sido a Ali a responsável por introduzir a expressão "dar bola" na língua portuguesa? Ou essa metáfora teria surgido a partir da observação do comportamento no jogo amador de futebol, em que um jogador se mostra mais interessado em passar a bola a outro com quem simpatiza e gosta de jogar? E "pagar o pato", de onde viria? Essa expressão eu acho que surgiu no Éden; foi culpa deles, mas agora todos pagam o pato. No entanto, não há como reclamar, pois só de não se interessar em comprar Dentro para Sair do jogo estúpido você ja está fazendo o mesmo.

O Daniel e a Ali voltaram à Casa do Pai.

Porque no Campo tem Cogumelo.

Astronaut In A Sea Of Deep Blue

I share my Life with you if you're willing to work to get Her and come closer. It's a first step when someone believes our words, but still that doesn't mean they have become capable of buying them; a fighter is rare and hard to find. These diamonds are on me, but if you really wish to own them you must get your own Card with infinite Credit. Then you may play the wise Game over the Rainbow without any time or space limit, and the More you play, the More you'll be convinced that it's reading and listening what you need to do.

domingo, 4 de agosto de 2024

Dirigindo Uma Estrela

Para quem ama Cinema, não é nenhum mistério de onde essa Visão vem.

Como estou Medicado, eu consigo organizar tudo e explicar o Tesouro no qual eu vivo focado.

This Is The Matrix

What's wrong? You don't wanna be a cleaning lady and a six-year-olds' teacher? You don't have to go back. Why waste your energy pursuing that cheap top when we could have One with a Heaven of a view? I have a meeting with the Silver Dealer now. Why don't you get Up and come with me do some business? I could be mine, and you could be mine too. Let me withdraw some resources from you; invest in me when I'm poor and help me find some answers to write. Because the Revolution has begun, and continues to grow as Time goes by.

sábado, 3 de agosto de 2024

Past And Present Intense

Dessa Vez, ela não precisou comunicar que havia desativado a defesa no campo, chamando-o para atacar.

Ele atacou e se tornou para ela uma defesa contra o mundo por 3 anos. Então ele novamente sumiu sem dar Notícia e, num golpe duplo do martelo, ela também passou a duvidar, acreditando que não havia nada realmente de Mais naquela Emoção, e que ela havia apenas caído numa forte ilusão "romântica".

Ele tinha vergonha de contar ao Charlie como aquilo de fato aconteceu, ou o olhar profundo dela o confundiu? Porque se a Imaginação real, o Sonho real brotou nela primeiramente, ele apenas aceitou entrar pelo Portão do grande Estado, deixando que ela materializasse sua Visão.

Você já encontrou uma que fosse maluca e conversasse imprevisivelmente? Ou só aquelas que querem saber se você já fez muitos gols, se faz muitos gols na busca por "tudo" que elas desejam? Tais têm uma "defesa" contra a Verdade em primeiro lugar. Portanto, você nunca ouvirá delas aquelas palavras incomuns.

Elise beijou, David beijou.

The Reflection In Her Eyes

I guess she was seeing who he truly is.

Kissing the crazy girl is letting his daring self take control.

The One That Lifts Us Up

A daughter of Zion has only One Pearl. 👌

No "thing" more. 💊

sexta-feira, 2 de agosto de 2024


"Wake up, my holy detective..."

Yes, mom, your pirate bee is Up and ready to have some Fun.

I love my Job.

Children Of Sophia

"Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy,
our life, our sweetness and our hope.
To you do we cry,
poor banished children of Eve.
To you do we send up our sighs,
mourning and weeping in this valley of tears
Turn then, most gracious advocate,
your eyes of mercy toward us,
and after this exile
show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb,
O clement, O loving,
O sweet Virgin Mary."

I have never liked this prayer. Its writer was born with a poor physical health condition, and I question if that's what made him call him "self" a child of Eve, that is, the consequence of someone else's act and not the same cause he could see in his "reason". Because that would mean it's not a humble prayer at all. Whenever I heard someone pray this, I only felt Hopelessness. Moreover, it was clearly prayed by people who don't have 10% of his condition, to justify the cold type of worldly life they lead on earth. People who's got no fear of God pray this to play the manic depressed, that is, when they get their kicks and are "up" they're purely mundane, and when they're down they remember to pretend to be "pious".

Why don't you yourself show Good to the questioning ones? Why don't you help Jesus wipe away some tears now? Why don't you give the thirsty some Water to drink now? Because you're not searching for the Answer, you're looking for the same "things" the world is after. And your after "life" does not take place after you repent and accept Her condition to find Life, it's after your body dies. So you need "religion" to give you "hope" that you're going to have a chance of purging your soul after spending all the time you had ignoring the Word. However, if you analyze your "self", you'll see that in addition to the "fear" there's no true desire in you, only the expectation that your selfish self-centered existence will go on.

Merry Heart (Getting Fired)

A gift with the Heart is as a precious stone.

Don't worry, you're not in Siberia.


It wasn't my fault or His; I asked her to come with me to deep Space. Actually, well, it seems some things I had been reading and writing matched the things He had written and prepared for the case of failure. I always knew the Mother Agent kept a secret wish, a secret preference for More. Does the Grace I receive depends on Her liking someone more or someone liking me more? I'm trying to explain to myself how I got faster, because I'm not sure the Magic is exactly the same as before. I have a feeling I have become More passionate.

Just make sure you don't look like you could use a drink.

Buy a Pear, stop by the ice cream parlour and get slow to go back to "work".